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Not Special (Melaine Johnson)

    To elevate my stress I enjoy going out & having fun. The theater is my favorite place, I enjoy watching the creativity of others. On the morning of September 6th I was siting in my room wondering what I was going to do for the evening. I hopped on event-bright where it's easy to find something to do most days. Try it yourself if you haven't here's the link I saw many different things to do but the title of this show caught my eye. I said Not Special, I wonder what that's about. 

    I began to read the description; It was about a woman that was told she was special her whole life before she moved to LA & figured out she wasn't. I thought that was an amazing concept & I related to it because back home in Philadelphia, PA. Everyone told me I was special, despite the odds I was going to make it, I've been called auspicious & everything else that I guess creates resilience in a person. I've never had anyone tell me that I was never going to be anything or that I was a slouch. When I arrived in LA after a year or so I realized I'm not special & I have to hustle like everyone else.

    Back to Ms. Melaine, first of all her show was amazing & I absolutely loved every minute of it. It also was amazing to find out how much I have in common with a 30yr old white lady! Her show was very uplifting & it gave me room to look at myself & not judge myself so harshly when things don't work out the way I want them to. It's like her show gave the audience permission to just be themsleves in their own lives & not to let society's judgement or ridicule consume them. She doesn't do this show often, so if you find yourself in LA looking for a fun theater night check out believe me they won't disappoint. 


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