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Life B Lifein

 Life is like a game of chess. You get your pieces, you set them up on the board. You have your important pieces, pieces you can sacrifice and pieces that help you navigate the game. But who are you playing against? There is a force playing against you that you must defeat. Each person plays against their own energy force that was placed around them from they day they entered the planet.

In life, it's important to remember that every move you make counts. The Universe just takes pieces off the board unexpectedly don't get scared. You just have to strategize, plan ahead & be ready to adapt to any situation that comes your way.

But here's the thing: in life, YOU can change the rules and add to the game. You have the power to create your own destiny & shape your own future. Know this, once the Universe takes the important pieces off the chess board they're gone & this could make it harder to win the game. You must create new strategies & make moves that no on else has ever made before. 

The key to winning at life is to stay focused & keep pushing forward. Don't let setbacks discourage you or make you give up. Remember that every piece taken off the board is an opportunity to learn & grow. It's a chance to come back stronger & more resilient than ever before.

Don't be afraid to take risks, make BOLD moves & think outside the box. Remember, life is a journey, not a destination. It's really not about winning or losing, it's about learning, growing & becoming the best version of yourself. So keep playing the game, keep moving forward & never give up on your dreams. 

In conclusion, life is like a game of chess, You have your pieces, your opponent & your own energy force to contend with. With careful planning strategic thinking & a willingness to take risks, you can come out on top & achieve greatness in all areas of your life. So go out there & play the game of life with confidence & professionalism, knowing that you have what it takes to succeed! 

I took this photo because I thought it looked cool. Just a random drawing & cut out of a Pokemon on the sidewalk.
                                                                                                     -Photo by Jodie Spartz


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