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Surviving LA ( Part IX )

     Hey ya'll,

    Things have gotten better especially for me mentally "going within" is no easy task & mental/emotional healing does not happen over night. Real quick I'm going to tell you what I woke up thinking... I figure I'm glad there was no one able to support me during my trials & tribulations. I picked myself up by my boot straps & after a huge slump turned tragedy into triumph. I have become a world traveler, a brave heart that has never been afraid to venture out alone; however I enjoy having someone with me to share experiences with. The energy of the universe guides me like the wind & sometimes I can actually feel it. 

     I have my bad days but I don't look at them as bad days anymore, I've come to understand I feel very intensely & am connected to everything. I have a determination to see how the world works & how others are maintaining their lives, there's something in me that doesn't want to stop exploring. It's too easy when you're connected & disconnected at the same time. 

The Update

    Chile I have to get off this overnight shift, it's making me feel like a damn zombie, I'm always tired. Last week they cut me down to two days & during that time off I felt more alive & awake than I ever did in my life, so this job gotta go ASAP! Soooo I started looking around for other options. Some long post ago I told ya'll I found this organization called WOOF, World Organization Organic Farming. We joined up after much research. Currently we are looking forward to our first experience on a cannabis farm here in California, were waiting to hear back about our arrival date. 

    I also applied to a mental health clinic to be a case manager. I know I did really well on both interviews, they said they will be picking people on September 22nd. I applied to be a corrections officer as well. I passed the test and now have to go to Rancho Cucamonga for a live scan in October. I have an audition on Saturday to go to comedy school for free, so we'll see what happens. Living in the car isn't all that bad anymore. I've come up with a routine that involves staying in AirBnB's & hotels when traveling. 

    We've had the car for three months & in that time we've been to San Diego, San Luis Obispo, we're still hiking; Temecula Creek Trail Park was absolutely beautiful, Escondido Falls was an experience. It seems that there's never a dull moment in my life, but hey why should there be!

Until next time Family stay tuned!



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