Welp we are going through the most but within it we're still surviving! Living in the car has not been a breeze. It's a thing one must really have to change their mind set towards life if you've been living in a house all your whole life that's for sure! I do want a RV tho lol.
At first it was manageable until it wasn't 😱 On Sunday evenings the drum circle gathers on Venice Beach, we pitched our tent listened to the drums & spirituality vibed out; it was a beautiful night. We've been alternating between sleeping in the car & pitching the tent on different beaches.
Somewhere along the line I lost my momentum & wasn't getting my afternoon naps in the way I should've been knowing I work overnight. With a very limited amount of rest I ended up an emotional wreck for like 4 days. I mean come on who can really get off work at 6:30am get no rest all day for whatever reasons, only to go back to work at 10pm that same night, only to get off work at 6:30am & not be able to rest again all day! This was going on for days, to the point I was just ready to quit the damn job!
On God what problem would that solve? Bills right around the corner & neither of us working! This is where stress creeps into the marriage & arguments happened. For like 3 days I was in a complete frenzy about where my life was headed. We even got our first two parking tickets! One for parking on street cleaning day (Bang) $73 then the other one was for parking overnight at Docwilider Beach (Boom) $53 which actually was $61 due to the $8 we paid to park there because we thought we could park overnight 🤦🏾♀️
So the car note, insurance, credit card bills, gas, food, Bud, & tickets all these things are considered MUST DO's. I've come to a place within myself after missing 4 days of work, that I realize I need to better discipline myself if I'm ever going to get out of this damn car! I figure right now what that looks like for me is naps during the day wherever I can get them.
Yesterday afternoon we were told we can't set a full tent up on the Beach anymore at least not at Venice! Damn, oh well I decided to buy a hammock & try that out. Sleep 3 hours in the early morning & three hours after 5pm & see how that works. I have a 24hr fitness gym membership to keep up with showers & work outs. Welp we'll see what happens next thanks for letting me share☺️
Alls I can say is camping on the beach is a beautiful experience, especially when your a beautiful person.