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Tapping The Power Within (Book 3)


Remember book reports when we were in school? For some they were a dreaded terrible thing, for others they were fun ways to recall your favorite book and an easy format to tell someone what the book was about. I've decided to post some reports of my favorite books; let's jump right in.

 I found this book on Germantown Ave. in Philadelphia, inside one of those cute little outside free library take a book share a book boxes. I felt like it was put there especially for me. I mean being as tho I identify as a brown woman and all. I already loved the author so I knew I would love her book!

Author:  Iyanla Vanzant

Title:  Tapping the Power Within ( A path to Self-empowerment for Black Women)

Main Character:  YOU, the person reading the book!

Setting:    Where ever you decide to read the book. You should be somewhere quiet, a place you can really concentrate and reflect.

Plot:  Iyanla wrote this book to help empower black women. The book was written based on her own personal experiences. This book provides "self-help" techniques for women seeking spiritual development.  

Personal Endorsement:  I thoroughly enjoyed this book from cover to cover. I have always been interested in rituals that help you become a better person; I was stopped from enjoying this kind of spiritual journey due to being told that this kind of behavior was evil. I never believed that, but didn't do any kind of research for a long time to debunk that myth. My favorite part of this book is when she said, Spirituality is recognition of your connection to the essence of the creator as the source of your power. Spirituality is not religion, for it does not matter to which church you belong or the religious philosophy you follow. Religion is the way, the rules & regulations used to approach the concept of God. Spirituality simply means that you recognize & accept your individual connection to the creator & use that "spiritual connection" as your guiding force!

-Photo by, Jodie Spartz


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