At 38 years old I've had many jobs and have had the opportunity to sharpen many of my many skills. I'm going to make a list of all the jobs I've had in my life to see how it will possibly shape a career. I'm still not exactly sure what I want to be, but I have contributed a lot to society in many ways. Let's get started because I had my first taste of employment when I was 12.
- In 1996 12 year old me worked as a daycare assistant around the corner from her home. I was paid $24 per week. Jodie loved this job and her love for children started to grow.
Do you remember pagers in the 90's? They were mobile devices that notified you that someone was trying to contact you. They came in all different sizes & colors, what happens is someone dials ur number, leaves their number & you get to a phone and call them back. Now I wanted one of these cute devices, the one I wanted was called a mini. My Grandmother told me I couldn't have one because I didn't need that type of privacy.
I was 12 and I was working so I snuck and brought one anyway. I had it for about 3 months, I felt so cool with my friends because their parents allowed them to have one. I became really good at keeping it cut off or on silent when I was in the house. Of course one day I forgot, my grand mother was in my room & it vibrated, she moved like a cat on a shiny light. What was that? she asked I tried to hide it under the blanket on my bed. She found it & pissed a fit about me having it. She took it downstairs, called me in the dining room and put it on the table. What happened next broke my heart, she took a hammer and began to pound away at the mini pager screaming about how she told my sneaky ass not to get it. Well needless to say after that I wasn't allowed to get a job again until I was 17. I did other things for money tho we'll talk about it in part two.
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